Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Volleyball Star Alyssa Valdez on Worry-Free Recovery with Support from Allianz Well! and Allianz PNB Life

Creamline Cool Smashers team captain Alyssa Valdez is well on her way to recovery. Since suffering a knee injury at the Philippine Volleyball League (PVL) during their December 06, 2022 game against the Cherry Tiggo Crossovers, Alyssa has been up and about, even cheering on her teammates from the sidelines in the latest PVL games. 

Alyssa Valdez

One of the reasons for Alyssa’s upbeat attitude is the constant encouragement by fans, friends, and family, along with a worry-free recovery process supported by her partners at Allianz PNB Life. “The comprehensive coverage from my Allianz Well! Plan enabled me to focus on recovery without worrying about the cost of medical care. With it, I got the best medical care to help me get back to being active and doing what I love,” she says. Part of her recovery journey is a series of therapies and training exercises so she can be back on the court in no time. Through it all, her positive mindset remains, as seen in the workout photos marked by the words “progress is still progress” that Alyssa shared on her Instagram account. 

In the meantime, she recently fulfilled another long-time dream with the roll-out of the first Alyssa Valdez Youth Volleyball Camp (AVYVC) in Pasig last March 24-26. Presented by Allianz PNB Life as part of its global MoveNow campaign, which is focused on providing the youth access to activities that will help them become and stay active. The 2-day camp trained around 80 youth residents of Pasig, aged 9-12 years old on volleyball skills and imparted values that can help them in and out of the court. “Sports teaches values that can be brought outside of the court. Aside from learning drills to improve their game, they can learn life skills and tools for success in life,” she explains. “This is also one of the reasons why I hope to do more camps in other communities soon,” she added. 

With Allianz PNB Life as her partner, Alyssa is confident that she can continue to reach her goals because she is protected from worries and uncertainties. “They had already proven their level of caring service when I was diagnosed with dengue in September of 2022. Even now with my injury, all my concerns were answered efficiently by my Allianz PNB Life Changers Jeff and Lala Garcia.” She also added how Allianz PNB Life is her partner in realizing her dream to help as many youths get into sports. “Aside from taking care of my health, they are also my partners in making the AVYVC a venue to teach volleyball and the importance of having an active lifestyle away from the streets. Truly, they are my teammates in this game of life, and they give me the valuable cover I need so I can be prepared for whatever life serves me.”    

Designed for high-achieving go-getters 

Allianz Well! is an insurance product designed for those who have an active lifestyle. Together with your HMO, it works as additional protection, providing additional medical insurance coverage during moments you need them most. 

Among its advantages are emergency benefits and select outpatient treatments, along with early detection and diagnosis, inpatient and daycare treatment, and round-the-clock teleconsultation with e-prescriptions. Likewise, the Allianz Well! coverage offers reimbursable wellness services of up to PHP 10,000. Planholders also have the privilege of selecting their preferred medical partner, with access to the best medical facilities in the Philippines and abroad.       

Gino Riola, Allianz PNB Life Chief of Marketing and Head of Sustainability says, “with Allianz Well! go-getters like Alyssa can move with more confidence. As with Alyssa, we want to help Filipinos be more confident in doing their best without worries. Along with the benefits of our products, we are also growing the number of our Life Changers to make them more accessible to clients so they get the best possible experience out of their Allianz PNB Life plans. We at Allianz PNB Life are their partners in achieving their health and wellness goals.” 

For more information on Allianz Well! from Allianz PNB Life and other insurance solutions, visit

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