Thursday, November 19, 2015

Make the Best Happen with BPI

Everyone hopes to achieve something in life: explore the world, dine in the finest places, play sports and get fit, open a business and send one’s children to the best schools. For me, I have so many wishes for my kids. Bianca and Euki both do well in school, and I wanted to give them the best education they deserve.

Recognizing that each individual has a unique dream, the Bank of the Philippine Islands (BPI) recently embarked on a campaign to help people achieve their aspirations. Dubbed “Make the Best Happen” the campaign kicked off with the launch of an animated reel encouraging the pursuit of life and lifestyle goals.

In the recent event that I attended, BPI introduced a microsite,, which addresses some of the areas in life where most individuals have goals. The microsite’s articles offer practical advice and tips on travel, health, parenting, shopping, dining and planning for the future. A quick tour of the site reveals several helpful reads such as listings of secret food stops outside Metro Manila, quirky Korean tours, inspiring workouts, some necessary life purchases, and teaching children the habit of saving.

I had the chance to sat down with BPI’s investment counselors and shared my aspirations as a Mom. The counselors listened and did some pencil pushing keeping in mind my concerns and perceived limitations. Together, we identified the barriers and discussed ways to break them down or move around them. I started picturing life ten years from now, Bianca would be 19 and Euki would be 17, both in college. And I might be having trouble in paying for their tuition fees if I will not start to invest for their education now. This made me realize that I should start planning and get an educational fund (college) for my kids. Investing and considering BPI educational plan is one of the great options.

How about you, how do you plan for the education of your child?

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